
我喜欢草莓的肯定回答 Do you like strawberry?肯定回答 Yes, I do勤学好问 天天进步;strawberry可数名词草莓 the strawberries are kept in cold storage to prevent them spoiling during transportation草莓在运输...

我喜欢草莓的肯定回答 Do you like strawberry?肯定回答 Yes, I do勤学好问 天天进步;strawberry可数名词草莓 the strawberries are kept in cold storage to prevent them spoiling during transportation草莓在运输过程中要冷藏,以防止变质he sent his driver to fetch him a strawberry shake他让司机。

strawberries 在众多的水果中,我最喜欢的还是那色鲜味美的草莓Among the fruits,my favorite color is still the United States and strawberry flavor成熟的草莓外表鲜红,顶端连着几片绿叶,仿佛胖娃娃戴了顶绿草帽草莓;I like strawberries very much because they are tasty,so srtawberries are my favorite fruit。

I like strawberries我喜欢草莓 i do not likeI strawberries我不喜欢草莓i我,like喜欢,strawberries草莓扩展我是i,你是you,他是he,她是sheam are is 是be动词,它们的原型就是be例句i am a d;I like strawberry very much It is usually ripe in April and May Why do I like it very much? Because it is sweet and good for our health When you have no apptite, you can eat some strewberry。

草莓用英语怎么说strawberry 单词读音英音 #712str#596#720b#601ri,美音 #712strɑ#720beri 单词释义草莓是一种小型莓类水果,果实呈心形或圆锥形,皮为红色,味道甜美,通常用于制作甜点。


1、是的,草莓用英语说是strawberry例句1I love strawberries, but they don#39t agree with me我喜欢草莓,但吃了以后不舒服2Strawberries go mouldy very quickly草莓很容易发霉3She sprinkled sugar over theBerry 草莓的。

2、英语为 I like strawberriesMike, What about you?你的采纳我的动力 很高兴能够帮助你。

3、草莓的英语说法是strawberry,音标发音是 #712str#596#716b#603ri它是一个可数名词,复数形式为strawberries例句My favourite fruit is strawberry 翻译为我最喜欢的水果是草莓。

4、萌死了的作文I like to eat strawberry, but I don#39t like orangeMy mother likes to eat strawberry and apple but she doesn#39t like to eat bananasMy father likes to eat vegetables including spinach and。

5、I like to eat strawberry为你解答,如有帮助请采纳, 如对本题有疑问可追问,谢谢。

6、例句与用法1We looked forward to the delicate fragrance of ripe strawberries at harvest time 我们盼望收获时节草莓成熟时飘来的沁人心脾的芳香2I like pears , watermelon , strawberry and so on 我喜欢梨。

7、So from a technical standpoint,the seeds are the actual fruits of the plant,and the flesh of the strawberry is a vegetableIt is greenishwhite as it develops and in most species turns red when ripe。


草莓的英文strawberry strawberry 读法 英 #712str#596b#601ri 美 #712str#596beri短语1strawberry juice 草莓汁,草莓果茶 2strawberry jam 草莓酱,草莓果酱 3strawberry ice 草莓冰。

草莓的英语strawberry,说法有两种英 #712str#596#720b#601ri,美 #712str#596#720beri例句1I love strawberries, but they don#39t agree with me我喜欢草莓,但吃了以后不舒服。

小白魔兽日记Strawberry Tart 草莓牛奶塔 草莓塔 草莓挞 草莓蛋糕6相关例句Do you like the strawberry? Yes, I do译文你喜欢草莓吗是的,我很喜欢I like strawberry译文我喜欢草莓。