
未经允许,禁止开门 Without permission, openning the door is prohibited不准拿布 Taking the cloth is not allowed想清楚,后果自负 Think it out, or take the consequences by yourself。 Unauthoriz...

未经允许,禁止开门 Without permission, openning the door is prohibited不准拿布 Taking the cloth is not allowed想清楚,后果自负 Think it out, or take the consequences by yourself。

Unauthorized posters and advertisements will be persecuted 未经允许,禁止张贴广告,否则追究责任Under repair, do not operate 正在修理,不能使用Use of emergency alarm 用于报警 Useful numbers 常用电话号码 Waiting。

Authorized cars only 未经允许,车辆不得入内 Green for stop and red for go红灯停绿灯行 Don#39t play on the street他要在大街上打闹 preschool children walking in the street or on the road, must there adults。

问题三禁止入内的英文怎么写 Staff only 问题四不被允许进入 用英语怎么说 很简单,两个词搞定No Entry “禁止进入”因为您的提问里没有说明这是一个命令式的句子还是一个完整句子中的部分内容,所以我分两种。

停车场常用英语警示语 导语停车场指的是供停放车辆使用的场地下面是我收集整理的有关停车场常用的英语警示语,欢迎参考!Car park front and rear前后停车 Cars parked here without permission will be clamped 未经允许。

译文without permission,anyone mustn#39t trespass in this room很高兴为你解答,希望能帮助你,望采纳。