
1、美式 一楼 first floor, 二楼 second floor, 三楼 third floor, 四楼 fourth floor, 五楼 fifth floor英式一楼 ground floor, 二楼 first floor, 三楼 second floor, 四楼 third floor, 五楼 fourth floor...

1、美式 一楼 first floor, 二楼 second floor, 三楼 third floor, 四楼 fourth floor, 五楼 fifth floor英式一楼 ground floor, 二楼 first floor, 三楼 second floor, 四楼 third floor, 五楼 fourth floor在;英式英语,一楼是Ground Floor,二楼是First Floor,三楼是Second Floor美式英语,一楼是First Floor,二楼是Second Floor,三楼是Third Floor什么是美式英语美国英语英语American English,又称美式英语,简称美语。

2、英美人在表达楼层时是不一样的,英国人一楼叫ground floor ,二楼叫做 the first floor, 三楼叫做the second floor,依次类推美国人一楼叫做the first floor ,二楼叫做the second floor ,三楼叫做the third floor;六栋楼层,就是六层楼,也就是six stories在英国英语中,一楼是the ground floor,也就是底层,底楼的意思,二楼是the first floor,三楼四楼五楼六楼,分别叫做the second floorthe third floorthe fourth;房子用英语表述为househouse的意思是房子住宅一家人指的是住房,也指住在一所房子里的所有人相关例句房子俯瞰山谷,景色宜人The house has a pleasant outlook over the valley这座房子的状况没得挑The。

3、英式英语中,一楼是Ground Floor,二楼是First Floor,三楼是Second Floor 美式英语中,一楼是First Floor,二楼是Second Floor,三楼是Third Floor;楼房的英文单词是building它的英式读法是#39b#618ld#618#331美式读法是#39b#618ld#618#331,作名词时意思有建筑物,房屋,公寓,宅子,楼房,房子相关例句1The heat had blistered the。

4、大楼的英文是building英 #39b#618ld#618#331,美 #39b#618ld#618#331n 建筑物 短语1design a building 设计一栋大楼 2enlarge a building 扩建一栋大楼 3occupy a building 占用一座。

5、a building 一般指高楼大厦 或 层数+floor house 如,a twofloor house 一座两层楼 百度教育团队海纳百川团为您解答,若帮了您,记得采纳哦,0;说楼层,要用序数词来表示,所以,一到五楼的说法分别是the first floor the second floor the third floor the fourth floor the fifth floor。