
作为学生,互送生日礼物不应该乱花钱As students, we should not waste money to send birthday gift to each other 很高兴为您解答,希望对您有所帮助,满意烦请采纳 点击采纳为满意答案按钮即可,万分感谢*^_;问题一“富人”用英语怎么说 如果是 有钱人们 是 the r...

作为学生,互送生日礼物不应该乱花钱As students, we should not waste money to send birthday gift to each other 很高兴为您解答,希望对您有所帮助,满意烦请采纳 点击采纳为满意答案按钮即可,万分感谢*^_;问题一“富人”用英语怎么说 如果是 有钱人们 是 the rich, the wealthy如果是 某个有钱人 是 the rich man, the wealthy person, 再高级点你可以用 the affluent person 或者带点奢侈乱花钱的感觉就用 the。

advexpensively 昂贵地乱花钱地 nexpense 损失,代价消费开支 expensiveness 高价,昂贵性 viexpense 被花掉 vtexpense 向收取费用 双语例句原声例句权威例句 The table was glossed to give it an expensive;问题六谨记,不要乱花钱用英语怎么说 Remember, don#39t splash money 例句Maybe your friend is really impressed when he sees someone wearing a flashy watch C but you think that person shouldn#39t splash money。

4Parents can also feel money is not easy to quit bad habits bad spending habits还能体会父母挣钱不易,从而戒掉乱花钱的坏习惯5有的同学觉得双方的观点都有道理,但又不完全赞同^ Some students feel that both;钱在口袋里留不住乱花钱 burning a hole in his pocket是意思就是花钱如流水,好似口袋被烧了洞,有钱留不住 如I bet John will spend all his money in a few days because the money is burning a hole。


fling one’s money about 乱花钱 flint one’s clothes about 把衣服到处乱扔 submit oneself to discipline 遵纪守法 3 trifle with 随便对待,戏耍 scape through 擦过,勉强通过 stumble upon 偶然发现,偶然遇到 thirst for 渴望,渴。

造成了浪费和乱花钱的坏习惯经常使用iphone对眼睛也造成不好的影响对于iphone的看法,我们应该用辩证的眼光对待它,既要利用它带来的便利,又要避免不好的方面作文Now iPhone has entered into our life, it brings us。

Every mother call me, call me don#39t waste money。

Is it better to enjoy your money when you earn it or is it better to save your money for some time in the future?Use specific reasons and examples to support your opinion“Save it for rainy day”。

1Even if a use of money has its value, but how do you look at it2Buy fewer snacks and unnecessary toy or model, you can save a lot of money。

他既没有贪玩的习惯,也没有乱花钱的习惯,他一门心思都用在学习上He doesn#39t have a habit of playing around, nor does he have a habit of spending money recklessly He has his heart set on learning~。


1、乱花钱还可以说lavish money lavish美#712l#230v#618#643 浪费滥用过分慷慨地给予 除了这两个正式短语外,还可以口语话表达 我必须得控制自己,因为我经常出去乱花钱I have to control myself becaus。

2、shopping 是指逛商店 如果楼主意思是花钱买东西就说My dad doesn#39t like to buy stuffMy father doesn#39t like to spend money都是说爸爸比较简朴,不爱乱花钱的意思。


4、don#39t like wasting money我不喜欢乱花钱3 That#39s what Virgos are like室女座的人就是那样4 Oh, goody, I like games哦,太好啦我喜欢做游戏5 I don#39t like fizzy drinks我不喜欢起泡饮料。

5、那么乱花钱用英语怎么说呢用英语语法翻译出来就是Spending your money on unuseful things或是用中国的成语来说就是挥金如土make the money fly使钱飞起来,用中国人的翻译习惯来说就是挥金如土挥金如土的意。